Stolen cars which are most costly to insurers
AMERICA'S car thieves show clear preferences in the vehicles they steal. Size, speed and luxury are all important factors when it comes to selecting a target. But the country's car thieves are, at least, patriotic. If America's carmaking giants have struggled in recent years to build vehicles that match the public taste, they are keeping car thieves happy. Only two of the top ten stolen cars in America (measured in terms of cash paid out by insurers) come from a foreign manufacturer. America's car criminals are more suspicious of Japanese or European models and are reluctant to be seen in smaller cars. A reluctance to nick Toyota Priuses shows they have little regard for the environment either.
美國偷車賊十分愛國 前十名最容易被偷的車有八名是美國製造
對比美國車銷售成績之差 要在路上找到美國品牌車比找日本車難得多吧
真辛苦這些偷兒了 要到處去搜尋美國車來偷一定很辛苦
Volvo S80 & Mini Volvo真的很勇看外型就覺得這牌子車很難伺候
再來就是Prius了 結論居然是∵偷兒不大在意環保綠能