top right: black stuff is green pepper with blackened marinated egg
super spicy!!! i thought green pepper means pepper so i took a huge bite
then very regretful!
右上: 青椒皮蛋 我還以為是青椒 結果是青辣椒
吃了一大口  差點辣死我

left: taro with pork rib chops, little green one is marinated small pepper which is super
spicy with little sourness!! i wanna bring one back to tw but unfortunately got disposed at airport
左:  芋兒排骨 加上醃過的酸辣朝天椒  超好吃!
本來想帶一罐回台灣  可惜在機場被丟掉了  扼腕!!

second day dinner, inside the wall by left is a pool with fresh
living fish.
第二天晚餐  左邊的牆裡面就是新鮮的活魚

第二天晚餐喝的四川酒真的不錯  比高梁好入喉
有一點香料味  但是還算適中  沒有那麼令人抗拒  據說有45%
喝完三杯硬撐著回到旅館馬上就掛了  可是還算不錯的酒

重慶自己出的吧  香料味非常非常的重!!
重到我明明才喝兩三口  一整天打嗝出來都那味道  超想吐的

旅館:  相本裡的是第一晚only
第二晚就去偏僻的鄉下住偏僻的賓館了  不過還算乾淨啦

according to the hosts, we had 3 different kinds of river fish
that meal. unfortunately, i couldnt tell much the differences
since each and every of them tasted all very similar to me--
根據招待的主人說  我們吃了江團  翹頭
江團是最高級的  肉質很細  可是刺比較多
說真的  味道吃起來都一樣  麻麻辣辣的  =  =

over all, this city is full of conflicts to me. new vs old
antique vs modern
rich vs poor
it is called fog city but i cannot tell the dimming is from the fog or pollution

總的來說  重慶帶給我的是很複雜的感受
我對這地方唯一的心得就是  矛盾  那裡是個很矛盾的地方
新 舊  古董  現代  富有  貧困


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