
真的很奇怪  明明是別人硬要一直不斷介入我的生命

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Last week I was totally shocked

Fri nite I was trying on the dress I was gonna wear to go BOS buddy’s wedding party. I bought that dress at Theory outlet when I was in Boston but never really got a chance to wear it since. I was very skinny back then coz I was depressed and not eating at all so I remember that dress was kinda loose on me.


But when I tried that dress on last week, it was fucking so tight I can hardly get it zipped. (though the tightest was at chest…) It really frightened me badly. So I figured I got to do something… I don’t want the single fat miserable image to be my life… So I started yoga lesson last Sunday. It was Hatha yoga, the one I did with Chih at Brandeis. It was very interesting and relaxing so I decided to join the club right away.


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Life is very interesting… like Gump’s mom said in the movie:

Life is like a box of chololate, you never know what you are gonna get.

From my personal experience, we don’t get what we hope for most but getting the second or sometimes the worst scenarios we try to avoid so bad.


I kinda got used to it and accept the way it is.

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  • Feb 10 Tue 2009 22:45
  • 結紮

同前篇 今天送KIRARA結紮了
今天一下班就衝回家  看著他奮力的想和往常一樣跳躍迎接我
卻因動作過大牽扯到傷口而哀嚎  真的好可憐害我好心疼~


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To get Kirara spayed, my mom took her to Vet for check up last FRI. After blood test and check up, vet said she was totally healthy except that she has arrhythmias, i.e. irregular pulse.


So I went home right after work last FRI and took her to take X-ray shots of her chest. Yesterday my mom took her to vet again and did some other tests to approve that she will react okay for anesthesia. The surgery is booked on 10th and I really hope she will be alright… But those fucking tests cost almost USD100!! Including the $$ for spay, Kirara has already spent USD300+ for the past week!! Shit!!


For the past 2 days I had been fxxking busy at work with the guests from India so I don’t even have time to go to vet myself. Finally I got a few seconds to call back home and mom told me she is shivering and feeling not too well… sigh~

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Belief in evolution
Untouched by the hand of God
Feb 5th 2009   From Economist.com

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While I was staring at the screen having no idea for a post LA landlord Tim send me his new blog.

Tim Wu

I was laughing at him that I don’t know he could write besides smoking weed. He said he cant but he type when he is high~


So while I was checking up his blog and chatting with him, he told me he reads my blog both in English & Chinese. He would go back and forth to check both languages because he wanna know how I translate certain phrases.

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So ex coworker friend from LA sent me this link

Stephen King On 'Twilight' Author:

'Stephenie Meyer Can't Write Worth A Darn'


According to Stephen, "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."

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I went to watch this movie with college buddy last day before work resume.

Oh well, it wasn’t that bad as many critiques or reviews say but it’s entertaining enough for me~


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原本一直被我嫌棄  長的不怎麼靈氣也不怎麼美麗的twilight女主角
整個很有Catherine Zeta Jones的FU

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