Last week I was totally shocked
Fri nite I was trying on the dress I was gonna wear to go BOS buddy’s wedding party. I bought that dress at Theory outlet when I was in Boston but never really got a chance to wear it since. I was very skinny back then coz I was depressed and not eating at all so I remember that dress was kinda loose on me.
But when I tried that dress on last week, it was fucking so tight I can hardly get it zipped. (though the tightest was at chest…) It really frightened me badly. So I figured I got to do something… I don’t want the single fat miserable image to be my life… So I started yoga lesson last Sunday. It was Hatha yoga, the one I did with Chih at Brandeis. It was very interesting and relaxing so I decided to join the club right away.
Last nite I finally got time to go second class. It was recommended by the sales rep. and I only knew it’s very popular and in English. As soon as the class started, I heard teacher said “downward facing dog” then the memory struck me.
Most of the times you thought you have forgotten everything, but somehow a person, a sentence, or even a word could bring the buried memory back so easily and quickly.
Yoga once a week at Brandeis was fun and relaxing. The first time I could hardly understand what teacher was mumbling. Downward facing Dog, cobra, triangle, warrior… all were meaningless. The teacher sometimes led very difficult poses and Chih and I could only sit there and watch. But I always looked forward to the dinner with Chih at my place after class. It was always great to have a company while waiting.
The thing I didn’t know was that after 3 years I would utilize what I have learned back then and catch up yoga lessons as if I never stopped practicing. (well of course my muscle would remind me how long I haven’t actually USE them…)
PS I never know why that pose is called downward facing dog… but now as I think of Kirara’s poses, I totally got the point and do the pose a lot better~
上週五拿出在BOS OUTLET買的Theory小禮服試穿
其實自己胖到什麼程度心裡早就有譜了 只是遲遲不肯面對現實
果然 當初穿還鬆鬆垮垮的洋裝 現在要很努力才能拉上拉鍊
(雖然最緊的部位是胸部…) 真的很驚嚇
當下浮現在腦海的是單身未婚肥胖tv potato的影像
所以星期天就乖乖的去上瑜珈 Hatha Yoga哈達瑜珈
結果跟在Brandeis上的一樣 老師帶的也不錯
就決定加入會員 暗自決定每週至少去上三堂課
(雖然這種宣言通常都是雷聲大雨點小 請大家要努力監督我!)
小姐在幫我預約的時候一直blah blah介紹我都沒在聽
很快的他開始叫我們做downward facing dog(臉朝下狗式)
很多時候你以為你已經全都忘了 可往往一個人一句話甚至一個字
還記得一開始上課時完全不知道什麼是狗式 眼鏡蛇式 戰士式 拜日式
老師為了比較厲害的同學會教一些很難的動作 我跟CHIH只能坐在旁邊看
等待的過程中 有人陪伴是令人感激的 ありがたい
那時我沒想到的是 三年後我會在這邊活用我之前學到的東西
PS 而我以前一直想不通狗式WHY是叫做『狗式』
一直到我養了KIRARA 我昨天終於明白是狗的那個姿勢