Feb 11th 2009 From Economist.com
China's exports dive but its trade surplus grows
IMPORTS to China plunged in January, signaling that demand is shrinking alarmingly: they fell by 43.1% compared with a year earlier, worse than forecast and double the decline in December. But China's trade surplus, at $39.1 billion, is one of the biggest on record because a huge tumble in exports of 17.5 was dwarfed by falling imports. A recovery in Chinese exports is unlikely as the world slides deeper into an economic slump but imports may well pick up—China has resumed importing iron ore after running down stocks in recent months. China's economy could also get a boost from a big government stimulus package.
中國的出口數字急降 貿易順差卻加大
中國進口數字急速減少 警示中國的需求正在縮減
與去年相比減少了43.1% 一月的縮減比起12月的多一倍
但中國的貿易順差USD39.1Billion 卻創下記錄排名前幾名
中國用完鐵砂庫存後 已經重新開始進口鐵砂
很有趣的是 前兩天看台灣報導相關新聞
表示接下來幾個月出口量會少更多 經濟會更慘 如這新聞
重點全放在如何解讀 而不是事實真相