This must be a curse or something. I always think I am cold enough to those stupid guys and they should know what I mean by my facial expressions or gestures or “NO REACTION”
Some guys still surprise me, greatly.
Since new head can’t drive, he decided to hire a driver and make him drive for the company. When I first saw the driver I thought he is only 20 something coz he really looks very young. Then I don’t have much chance to talk to him and only took his ride twice so far to go HQ.
And when he drives I really wanna push him away and drive myself coz he drives unbelievably SLOW.
Yesterday he emailed me asking for me msn. Suspecting his purpose, I gave him the one I use for work.
When I first saw his ID I thought he is the 15-yr-old, playing online game type of teenagers.
Then he started to attack me with tons of questions.
How old r u? Of course I refused to answer but he replied that he is 33 now.
ET: 33 to start a career as a driver!... hmmmmmm very interesting…..
Next he asked me when is my bday
Today he asked me where do u live? I said Taipei.
Then he asked with ur parents?
I was busy like crazy and really don’t want to deal with this crap
So I closed the window. BUT he asked me again in the afternoon!!!!!
WTF don’t u know no answer means U R NOT SUPPOSED TO ASK THIS QUESTION!!!!????
Fuck why the hell I always bump into idiots like these!?
He sit right behind me and I asked my coworker if I look extremely bored and nothing to do!?
Though I again just closed the window coz I don’t want to create trouble.
I should just put up a sign saying NO STUPID MAN CLOSER THAN 1FT
I can put up with stupid women but not idiotic man!
昨天 新請的司機來EMAIL 跟我要MSN
回信時問他是私用還是公用? (雖然我跟他也沒有公事好談)
跟同事閒聊時 一直以為司機大概只有20出頭 比我小
因為 誰會30歲了才開始朝司機這個志向發展
加上看到他MSN ID 又臭又長的長良川怎樣 奇藤義雄怎樣
同事說應該是有在玩online game 更讓我確定這人心智只有18歲程度
說真的 不是我要嫌 劈頭就問人你幾歲 這禮貌嗎
就算他有先告訴我他64年次的好了 我又沒問我也不想知道
跟我說我就要跟你說嗎 這是小學生交換資訊以示公平嗎
然後又問生日 心不甘情不願的回答了獅子座之後 就說開會去
今天馬上證明我可以錯的多離譜 還有這些男人是多令人厭惡
一早我正忙得焦頭爛額 他老兄MSN問我住哪
廢話我在台北上班難道住屏東嗎 所以我就回答台北
然後又繼續問 『跟父母一起住嗎』
這時我神經線就斷了 我住哪到底乾你屁事 問這麼多你警察防堵偷渡客啊
可是我很有風度的決定不鳥他 關掉視窗 天知道我有多想回他乾你屁事這四個字
還是就可以化身成某online game裡 路人甲的『拱工~』嗎!?
我現在可是老闆的血滴子+東廠 等他準備好馬上就要滿手血腥
我可以忍受笨女人 可是我完全無法忍受蠢男人