donno what went wrong this week
all the sudden all the work is pushing up to me (since there is no one else that will help me)
yesterday had to OT till 7 30 and it was already 8 when i got home
all because stupid  president here told us last minute that he is going to HQ to report

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again it happens 
today i was too busy to go toilet or even drink some water
i have been working on a PPT cos we will have a meeting on 13th
it was originally reporting updates to old CEO but now of course new CEO will be there

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Another exhausting weekend for me with the summer heat burning outside on Sunday, I went to catch an early movie with high school buddy and cousin bro and sis.
Buddies wanna see WALL-E and cousins wanna see batman so I had to choose one from those I have seen… so I decided to watch WALL-E again cos I wanna keep my good mood for the rest of the day.
After lunch, we went to a baseball game. Taiwan baseball league! Last time I went to a baseball game in TW was about 10 yrs ago… Compared with US baseball games, TW fans are a lot noisier cos they bring all different kinds of tools: microphones, beepers, plastic bats, etc. US fans are a lot more drunken… :P

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Lately, all the top management in my company has been really nervous. The reason is obvious: CEO will be changed. In tw, my company is “half” state-owned company and tw government controls more than 50% of stock. For the past 8 yrs, the soon-to-be-EX-CEO was buddy-buddy with EX president A-bian as I heard that two of them are high school classmates.
Since new president MA is in charge now, it is no doubt that he tries to remove all the “enemies” in charging of the state owned businesses first. His decision is easy to make and obviously not even thinking thoroughly cos he asked the previous CEO to come back in charge.
The soon-to-be-EX-CEO actually did pretty good for the past few yrs but some may say it is simply because of the world economy and industry were both booming.
But the subsidiary I work in right now…..  I cant even describe how badly the results are…..  

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就在搜尋茫茫GLE海時 看到一篇 XX大學中文系SWOT分析

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Last nite finally got home after tutoring my cousin, mom told me she found KIRARA weird when she pees. She pees like this:
I first thought she just likes to stand a lot cos she would be able to see more if taller. My mom told me she actually pees with that pose facing to piano or glass door……
I was really speechless and as long as she also pees normally I guess it’s nothing too serious that I should worry about.

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The fattest and thinnest states in America
IT MAY be time for some summer exercise in America. Roughly a quarter of all adults, split roughly evenly between men and women, are obese, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, a government body. 

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So I guess every one knows what “FU” means in English. I don’t remember where I learned it from. I think it should be Joey in Friends where Rachael would say SHOOOOOOO and someone would Fffffffff… U…
When I first started working here 2 months ago (gosh! time is slow…), once I got an group email from a VP sending to all top management.

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KIRARA is really picky about her food. In the beginning we gave her ROYAL received from breeder and mixed with Costco dog puppy food. Then when we changed to all Costco, she stopped eating anymore. Sales at pet shop said cos ROYAL tastes more flavorful so she would not eat anything else if she gets used to it.
So lately we have been giving her 2 other different brands to try out since the pet shop already gave us some samples. I read that it’s better not to change food or dogs all the sudden cos they may have digestion problem. Well I have to say KIRARA definitely has no digesting problem cos no matter whatever sh!t we give her she would take it and nothing strange happens to her poo later. I read some dogs would get diarrhea…. I guess she is just really very healthy, which is totally perfect.

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was just in a meeting with new boss and she brought  good news and bad news

good news that she decided to lay her hand over the whole planning dpt. 
so we will have a leader now. 

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