I was not planning to write anything about this movie cos I didn’t really have time to think about it. I only know this movie is great and very enjoyable. It’s worthy the ticket.
Then I got this email from old Japanese buddy who has been my best support all the time since my ex introduced us 9 yrs ago. He tells me to try to always love again cos love is the best potion for youth and beauty. He also tells me that a great woman is not about her age at all.
So here I am finding the love I ever wished for in this movie. Pure naïve touching forever~ if it weren’t cartoon, I would’ve been laughing so bad and thinking those two people are idiots believing in love. Pixar made perfect facial expressions for Wall-E and Eve so they actually moved me and made me believe there’s still love strong enough against time and space during that 2 hrs in theater.  

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I think I wrote too much sad sh!t in my blog. This is no good!!
One thing that pissed me off over the weekend was KIRARA!!
Sunday nite she was whining badly so I held her up onto my bed to play.
Then I was not paying attention to her for only a second and she peed on my bed!!!

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The very funniest movie I have seen lately!! After watching kunfu panda I was complaining to friend K that this stupid film isn’t funny at all and this HOT FUZZ I saw on HBO accidentally was a lot funnier!!! Although he thinks panda is still funny but he agreed that this HOT FUZZ is a lot more interesting and funnier than panda!!
So… what do you expect in a police movie? Action? Gun fight? Never ending bullets? Never die main actor? Chinese kunfu? Standard formula?

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The best thing to do on a hurricane holiday is to stay home watching TV all day long. So that’s what I did last weekend. I was so used to be internet addicted and now don’t even need a laptop or turn on computer at all for a long weekend.
I think cos I found the love of my life back – TV. :P
Back in US I don’t really watch TV too much cos I’d rather spend time msn with friends or read TW news online. Well also cos I am mostly into Japanese TV and US TV is not really my type…

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當然是因為  今天放了颱風假
我知道這樣不對 對不起那些農民災民們

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要我的腦子擠出上週日吃過的晚餐心得  真的有點困難
本來想星期一上班就寫一寫  偏偏星期一二忙到昏頭  加班到吐血
星期三四又忘了帶讀卡機  只好拖拖拖

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經過不知道幾百次的嚴刑拷打之後  我終於可以回答這問題


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this morning started chatting with Y about her japanese coworkers - 2 housewives 
one poor and one rich 
but no matter what they both have issues with their family 
one told Y today she is separating with her husband and moved out with 3 kids 

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這兩天  大概上班很累

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To an email replying my email sent 3 yrs ago!? 
It was the first time I flew back home from Boston and I was alone. I think cos someone was still busy with school so I decided to get back home earlier. It was long flight so the girl next to me started chatting with me and so I found out she is a Filipino and working in a cruise company. I think either princess or carnival. She was excited to go home and so did I. We had pretty good time chatting and then exchanged emails.

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