• Aug 13 Wed 2008 23:17
  • 剛剛


徐董曾經問我幹嘛要一直這樣折磨自己  他上次經驗的結論是最好不聽不看不聞不問
當時我沒辦法確切的回答他我的理由  畢竟人做的事情大都是沒有理由的

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so i have been hearing some weird noise at nite before my dad going to bed since i got back TW
soon i realized it's his nose hair trimmer

i didnt spend too much time on it but thought wow that's pretty cool

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thanks to MRS. CHEN

the one and only card i receive this yr~  haha~~ 

so so very cute and lovely!!!  appreciate it a lot!!!!

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today i have become 30

as half of my life has gone by, i cant really describe how i am feeling right now
but i feel that i must write about something

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還是該說  我可以把自己操到什麼程度
本來預計週末要在家睡大頭覺的計畫  完全失敗

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KAL's cartoon

Aug 7th 2008
From The Economist print edition

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  • Aug 08 Fri 2008 18:20
  • 直覺

我的直覺向來很準  一開始就討厭的人到最後通常也沒辦法多討我喜歡
一開始就喜歡的  通常會變很好的朋友
唯一幾次錯誤出現在年輕時期  還沒這麼神準
像是某同班同學  到現在我還是不了鬧翻的契機為何

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So every time I look at her I feel like laughing. She has many many different kinds of facial expressions. The one I like most is when she has her mouth a little bit opened. It always makes me think of the CLOWN.
She’s really getting cuter and cuter!!
KIRARA越來越可愛~ 表情也很多

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兩三週前  沒緣的公婆請我吃晚飯
餐間問我X爸的手臂上會長奇怪的東西  又長出一堆斑

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Somehow I have been little overwhelmed lately, so I decided to stay home for the weekend doing nothing just to rest. I remember when I was a teen I enjoyed my Sunday by getting up, having some brunch, watching some TV, then listening to music all afternoon with a nap, then dinner then TV then to bed again.
I remember teacher asked me to attend the English composition contest of high school junior yr again (I really hoped someone else who wanna give it a try could go, but teacher insisted me going cos she knew I would win anyway) The title that yr was Sunday Morning and I got second place…. Hahaha  cos I didn’t even prepare and I didn’t know what else to write about my Sunday morning since I only slept and ate.

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