I am fucking so pissed right now. My fucking boss really knows how to drive me crazy.

The first time we went to HQ to have a meeting she asked me to borrow a laser pointer. Then I got her one and she complained to me that one is hard to use and broken blah blah blah. Then I never touched that pointer since but been seeing her using it.

Yesterday HR came asking me about that pointer and wanted it back so I went to boss and asked her about it. She said she never saw that pointer since either. So she must have given it back to someone. Today I confirmed with HR and she doesn’t have that pointer in stock so I had to go ask boss again. This time she told me she also had no idea where that pointer is at and later she started to use her own one, which happens to be exactly the same one as the one I borrowed for her.

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Right after I finished the stupid financial model last FRI, boss came telling me that CEO is coming on 26 to discuss every investment and subsidiaries we are running here. So we must have the PPT ready before 26. So she ordered me to finish the PPT at home during the weekend!!  F her!! 

So I finished the whole calculation with some help from buddy on the weekend and got to office around 8 15 Monday morn and started working on the stupid PPT. Boss was very pushy and demanding. While I was having lunch, she suddenly came to me saying the meeting is pushed up to 4pm today! So we had to be ready at 3pm. Sigh,…
(Staci helped me a lot too!! thank you la!!~~)

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Ever since my mom realized KIRARA is very clean and no flea, she gave KIRARA a new task, to wake me up when I don’t want to!!


Like this morning, after my mom gave up waking me up, she decided to send her best weapon – KIRARA. Then my mom put KIRARA onto my bed, next second, she flied to my head and started to scratch my face with her nails. Also she was trying to lick my face until she found joy of her life – my tangled hair. She started to search for big knots so she can chew on until I got up and threw her out of my bed.


Sh!t they altogether piss me off!! Is this so call “shoot myself in the foot!?”

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Meeting with old time students is very scary. It’s like looking at my own children growing and they grow all so fast making me start to feel I am so old now. Or should say I got old already and things change as well.

They moved, grew taller, more mature, English is now like very good, even Chinese is improved. Emiri is going to university next year majoring in Eco. A Cyan is now form 6 and 2 more yr to go university. Good thing that they told me I don’t change a bit at all. Well, the only thing I feel myself changed is within. 

Well I do think they are both great kids and I still love to hang out with them. Just soon I think I won’t have anything good enough to teach them anymore. 

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當我一早還在宿醉時  接到X媽電話 X爸敷手的面膜用光了

順便問我要不要一起去三峽吃個飯  然後去他們最近常去的佛堂拜拜


午前出發  出台北市就是路痴的我  才發現三峽原來也有深山

(重點是 為了山頂上手機有訊號嘖嘖稱奇的我  簡直是台北蠢  因為後來想到宋主席吧

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上星期四下班  就匆匆忙忙趕回家  因為要帶KIRARA去打預防針囉~~
明明就沒甚麼大事  卻全家人都出動  一家三口塞在並沒有很大的診療室裡

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K, after days of fighting with this stupid financial model, finally, I can say that I am one step away from completion!!! HAHAHAHAHA


I don’t know how I did it!! But now I have finished the cash flow table and next I can figure out the stupid NPV and IRR. Well I decided to leave the balance sheet behind pretending I never heard of it.


My task today is to finish the stupid cash flow so I am done for the day and only 1.5 hrs before my happy weekend!! As always, I have another busy weekend filled with dates and stuffs to do.

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Boss has today off… probably another interview with new job.

However, before she left yesterday she told me to update the income statement I “created” And today she expects me to complete creating the following cash flow and balance sheet!!

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All I can say is, I am part of the boring crowd who once in a while just wanna peek into some other abnormal people’s lives. Undoubtedly, the most beautiful man & woman’s twin babies must be eye candy. 

So I tried to google Bradgelina’s twins’ photos from People magazine cos obviously I don’t wanna waste my $ buying a copy. Well I was kinda disappointed cos the face of the baby is not even clear or big enough so I cant even tell if they are cute or not.

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while browsing bagsnob site where I visit every week for new bag reviews I saw this new target. The bag I wanna buy next time!! Only if I want another color… I don’t have too much purple stuff to go with purple bag like that… well since that bag is not too expensive I think I will buy that for myself for xmas… or new yr…

I shop according to my instinct so I know right away if I will buy it or not the moment I see it. Strangely I seldom buy stuff I don’t use too much. Well, honestly, I have to admit I did buy some stuff that I never use… but most of the time when it comes to expensive choices, I always buy something I believe I can use it for my entire lifetime.

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