too disgusting to take any photo~

Last nite I gave KIRARA some veggie and fruit so she ate tons of stuff. Right after eating I was playing with her so she was running around and very hyper. Then all the sudden she was hiccupping while chewing on her bone. Then soon she stared to threw up all the stuff she ate last nite in their original forms. So she didn’t even have a chance to digest not chew properly at all!! 

I was kinda scared cos this is the second time she threw up. Last time she threw up in the car cos of car sick. This time simply cos she just ate too much and being too active right after eating. I hope she learned her lesson and will start to chew more carefully before swallowing.

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I love tea, a lot more than coffee. Since I was small I have always enjoyed drinking tea with couple of friends and talking all kinds of crap. Here’s something I found yesterday in the market. Travel Buddy EN website 

Well this bottle is great!! I have been using starbucks travel mugs and those are designed mainly for coffee, never tea. The problem with making tea is that it needs a good filter to stop the leaves to get to your mouth when drinking. And most of the tea travel bottles have filter on the top. So everytime I want to make tea I have to fill the whole bottle up and if I drink some water from it for too soon, the tea leaves will no longer be soaked in water.

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mom’s friend’s daughter is a musician playing French Horn or something huge…  she only knows it’s something big)
so she received 2 ticket of a ballet show performed by taipei chamber ballet - La dame aux camellias 
I was supposed to go watch Lion King with Sharon at that same time but her mom wanna go too in the end so I sold her my ticket and went to this ballet with cousin May.

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  • Aug 18 Mon 2008 17:51
  • 病假

數週的疲累之後   工作壓力在上週達到了頂點
接著隔天老闆大吼大叫的  GY總經理會被我害死
(說真的  我有大牌到總經理會被我害死就好了)

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昨天 X弟回LA了 早上還沒去開會前  趁著有空 跟他說句順風
叫他要加油 好好努力拍片 讓我以後也可以穿著名牌蹬著3吋去走個紅地毯之類的
他跟我說 前馬在他出發前  對他依然依依不捨 讓他感覺自己很糟糕

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The meeting last nite with all top management was fierce and very interesting for me. All the people were trying to push away responsibilities by saying they were not there when the decision was made. Everything’s last CEO’s fault
It’s really funny watching those top managements splitting into 2 groups and some ppl changed position so quickly.

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Published: August 13, 2008

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Booming business-school applications
US trend, when business is no good, ppl cannot get too much $$$ out of the market, they tend to get a loan and go back to school studying and waiting for a better timing.

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太多白痴的新聞  連下評論都累到極點
今天早上出門化妝時  聽到TVBS張XX主播說 
今天早餐來點壽司如何  不然拉麵也是不錯的選擇

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