Green.view Sep 1st 2008
original article

Green shopping without the hairshirt / 綠色購物無須犧牲奉獻

After reading this article from and checking up
those websites they recommend, even reckless me start to feel

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Suddenly I found out that I haven’t done an article about
the drama about my company’s top management. In
conclusion, Fri, the HQ replaced our biggest and second
biggest top heads and the new order would be effective on
Mon 9/1.

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我的廢話真的很多  連吃個麵都有很多抱怨

熬過耳語謠言滿天的星期五  迎接週末的第一餐


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上星期從X家拿了好幾本書回家殺時間  本來很想拿一套X爸珍藏的武俠系列

不過怕我犯了國中時同樣的壞習慣  就是一旦開始就會廢寢忘食的看到結束

只好忍痛放棄又臭又長的武俠系列  轉向一堆單本的漫畫小說等

本想把下面的羅曼史系列全拿走  不過怕這些是X爸的寶貴回憶  下次再說

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感謝學弟的熱情相挺  讓我可以不用一個人孤單的去看MISIA演唱會

期待現場聽MISIA已經好久了  從大學第一次買了MISIA的專輯開始
我就愛上他的聲音  天生的好嗓音  高亢卻不過於尖銳

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After posting fighting article, the ppl reading my blog suddenly
increased. So I should really post more fighting kinda articles. But
too bad that I have been training myself to endure as much as
possible, so there isn’t really too much drama going on..

Today I was discussing new project with boss, and she told me

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Today VP asked me to go to his office and told me everyone is very impressed with my work for the past 3 months. So it means I have past my probation period and now am official employee here in this company!!

Well though of course he asked me if I feel my specialties are not fully utilized,… to be honest, it really depends on how they define my “specialties”. For me, I just want a nice stable job in a stable company where I can make stable $$$ and progress with not much stress and work load. So I think this job is pretty good for me for now. Ha~ though $$ is too little…  but anyway, I don’t need too much $$ since I have other cash inflow…  :P

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What you expect to see at London Olympics? I never have too much passion about Olympics. I only cared about it since they started baseball game. Since next time, baseball will longer be held anymore at Olympics, I would love to watch some different ones as listed below.


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