上週電話預約的 時候小姐很親切  可是預約完就沒消沒息





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Engendering change  變化醞釀
Sep 18th 2008  From Economist.com
Rwanda becomes the first country to elect a

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Sep 22nd 2008  From Economist.com

Bicycle and car production since 1950


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Today finally finished presenting to big head~~  YEAH~~

now feeling relieved~  ha~~~


He didn’t ask too many questions but only ask about

the payback period. I knew that formula was wrong

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Yesterday coworker showed me a blog
It has a post saying that women compared with men
get a higher chance of having nightmares…
usually the nightmares of women is about losing something
someone, etc.

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一早起床因為昨晚睡的不錯  心情極佳


馬上就讓我看到心情低落  怕台灣下一代持續的被這些新聞台荼毒洗腦

難怪現在白目到處是  沒禮貌又沒水準的人越來越多


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I really think I get insomnia and its getting worse… Sigh~

I feel tired during day time when I have to work but so energetic in bed.

All the numbers, people’s faces, memories, conversations, haunt me


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Right under Big Brother's nose, artist-hackers are using

surveillance images for their own purposes.

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YangTze River is the longest river in Asia. It is also where

most of the Chinese live upon with. It starts in some tall

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