
本來應該好好享受的三天連假  被重慶浪費掉只剩一天

最後的週末  也因公司舉辦高階會只剩一天


明明上週才做的雷射  我卻覺得好像已經做很久了

cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 26 Sun 2008 16:18
  • 眼睛

已經1.0 x 1.2了

我的左眼果然比右眼健康  恢復也快很多
其實已經沒有感覺了  只是偶爾覺得乾乾的(大概也因為一直在空調中)
右眼卻還是怪怪的  有時候看起東西霧濛濛

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All together now / 當我們同在一起

Oct 22nd 2008 From Economist.com


Beware the temptation to gloat


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Spreading the wealth

Oct 21st 2008
From Economist.com

Where the gap between rich and poor is the greatest


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Economist weekly editorial cartoon

KAL's cartoon

Oct 16th 2008
From The Economist print edition


cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

YES, i am still at office OT right now...
working for the stupid top management conference

I really wanna tell new big head that what he is trying

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So I finally completed my NAVEX surgery.

To cure my near sighted eyes…


When my mom and I arrived the clinic I wasn’t even feeling

anything at all. Then the moment the nurse led me into the

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Since beginning of this month, my mom started to get acupuncture

medication. Since she is obvious too severe so the doctor asked her

to go this place for massage. After doing it first time, my mom

insisted me to go with her so I did.

cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


All taste too bad so i dont wanna take any photo of them...

this one is cos coworkers asked me to take photo of it....

太難喝就不想拍照  這瓶是同事叫我拍的...


cavalli 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As shown in photo… :P




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