Pay and the sexes
Mar 4th 2009 From
The gap between pay for men and women in Europe
DESPITE the best efforts of lawmakers and feminists, there is a long way to go to close the pay gap between the sexes. In the European Union, which set out its principle of equal pay for equal work 50 years ago, gross hourly wages for men were 17.4% higher than for women in 2007, according to a new report. Countries with the biggest differentials, such as Estonia, have highly segregated labour markets or a high proportion of women working part-time, such as Germany, Britain and the Netherlands. Where the female employment rate is low there is usually a smaller gap, because of the small proportion of low-skilled or unskilled women in the workforce.
EU 於50年前就開始勾勒出同工同酬的重要性
根據某新聞報導 2007年 EU男人的淨時薪還是比女人高17.4%
差最多的國家 像愛沙尼亞的勞工市場(性別)區隔極大 或是
有相當大比例的女性做Part time 像德英荷
在女性就業率很低的地方 工酬的差距也比較小
看到這篇文章 真是為了歐洲的女權主義者辛酸
他們努力了這麼久 根本沒什麼效果~
倒是促進了床上兩性地位的平等… 至少女人可以去玩別人… :P
降相對來說 台灣女性的地位實在算高了~ 至少這世紀以來進步神速
還是只有我家女權高漲… 因為都是女人的關係 哈哈~