• May 14 Thu 2009 13:20
  • 救火




上禮拜跟歐洲人連開三天會  主因是設立分公司

基本上這種設立辦公室BP很好寫  上禮拜五隨便做幾下就掰完了

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May 11th 2009  From Economist.com

Where people spend most time on simple pleasures



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RF yoga.jpg 
媽啊  這位大師的腳怎麼沒斷  我真的太佩服他了!!
好像六月有這位大師的課  恩  我想我再練個五年才有資格去上**

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  • May 10 Sun 2009 12:16
  • 朗莎


上週在寫good company的時後  突然想起有人推薦朗莎

Ferrero RondnoirTM 是金莎的好兄弟

聽說costco有在賣  星期六一家人殺去costco狂買

在零食區看到了一盒烏漆嘛黑的  就是朗莎啦

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<通篇都是敝人對HIV+性交+男同的刻板印象+偏見  不爽勿入>


HIV in young people

May 7th 2009  From Economist.com

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May 6th 2009  From Economist.com


Which companies have the best reputations around the world?



FERRERO, an Italian chocolate-maker, has come out top in an annual survey of the world's most reputable companies. Based on perceptions of the companies in their home markets, the Reputation Institute, a research firm, has asked the public to rate the world's 600 largest firms according to trust, admiration and respect, good feeling and overall esteem. Despite the economic turmoil, respect for business is still generally quite high. But some sectors have suffered. Banks and other financial institutions, which commanded reasonable respect in years gone by, have slipped alarmingly, though they still do better than tobacco companies.

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Taking in some culture / 文化薰陶


May 4th 2009  From Economist.com

Where are the world's most-popular museums?


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  • May 07 Thu 2009 21:15
  • 密碼文章 遠離

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隨著年紀愈大腦容量愈小  BLOG可以隨時去回顧
我倒是覺得寫BLOG很像寫日記  從小我可是超級厭惡寫日記這種東西
總覺得日子過了事情發生了  記什麼呢
開心的事情記了不會更開心  難過的事情就趕快忘記別去回想二度傷害

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Apr 27th 2009  From Economist.com

Who imports most weapons? / 誰進口最多武器?


THE global arms trade has grown by more than 20% in volume over the past five years, according to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute, a think-tank. Imports to the Middle East have increased by 38%, with the United Arab Emirates now the world's third-largest recipient of large conventional weapons.

Israel and Egypt bought more arms than Iran, which is ranked 27th. China and India remain the world's biggest recipients of weapons, with Russia supplying the vast bulk to both countries.

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