
星期天跟高中同學們約  剛好有人要買螢幕就一起去光華

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禮拜六白天都在床上翻滾  爽的咧





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Apr 23rd 2009  From Economist.com

Where top rates of income tax are highest


ON WEDNESDAY April 22nd, Britain's finance minister announced that from April 2010 a new 50% rate of income tax will be levied on high earners. This will be among the highest top rate of income tax in the world's richest countries, with only Sweden taking more. But taxation is rarely simple. At $218,055, the income level at which Britain's new rate kicks in is considerably higher than in Sweden or Belgium. Switzerland and America may seem softer on their high earners, but local income taxes could bump up the top rate in those countries to over 40%.

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下午時老友TH在MSN上靠夭  說中飯沒吃很餓
要來台北市找好吃的飯  順便拿上次丟在他車上的酒給我

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Hide neither tears nor weakness
The strongest people in the world
Are those who never hide their vulnerabilities
They live in peace with them

By Adnan Tahirovic

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Probably coz of age, now I don’t wanna spend precious time and energy on “guessing”

I guess the moment I started to hate the word “guess” was when I first met the Japanese EX. When we first talked, he asked me how old I was and I replied “have a guess” Later I spent 1 hr or 2 trying to explain what tf “guess” means.


I never play guessing game since.


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連到他的興肝寶貝時發現沒新文章  還在台積電

暗中覺得可惜的狀況下  一時手賤去click下面的link



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Last night I started a new kind of yoga classes—yoga dance.

The teacher is Denise and drinking buddy, SL, recommended her all the time.

Unfortunately her hot yoga is at 630PM SAT and up till now I still have no chance to try it out.


Then last week while I was planning schedule for this week I noticed that she will tutor yoga dance on MON night so I decided to give it a try even though I know how badly I dance…

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說真的  不是我故意不專心上班一直寫BLOG


(明明上星期五也都在混  只是都在看小說懶得寫文章)



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