目前分類:ET mumbling (273)
- Jul 23 Wed 2008 18:45
- Jul 21 Mon 2008 07:46
What should I do!?(EN) 回信
To an email replying my email sent 3 yrs ago!?
It was the first time I flew back home from Boston and I was alone. I think cos someone was still busy with school so I decided to get back home earlier. It was long flight so the girl next to me started chatting with me and so I found out she is a Filipino and working in a cruise company. I think either princess or carnival. She was excited to go home and so did I. We had pretty good time chatting and then exchanged emails.
- Jul 21 Mon 2008 01:24
friend visiting (EN) 有朋自遠方來
Busy weekend again~
LA old time buddy came up Taipei to visit. He was roommate of my high school classmate and I often went to their house to play ma-jang or just to kill time and hangout together.
Somehow we keep pretty close contact with each other and he is even closer to me than my high school classmate…..
When was the last time I saw him!?? To be honest I don’t really remember much but should be roughly around 1 yr ago… he has been stood me up for many times telling me he coming up but then never really showed up since I come back to Taiwan. So I wasn’t really expecting him to call and lied around at home whole SAT afternoon. However, it’s very nice meeting up old friend no matter what and he is always great company~
- Jul 18 Fri 2008 22:12
本來與小EL約好要去陽明山泡溫泉的 卻有親戚來訪 只能延至下週
在歷經一整天的精神壓力以及疲累後 實在很想放鬆一下
開始刷浴缸 刷的亮晶晶之後 想起最近水漏的很慢 好像有點堵塞 想說順便清一下水管
- Jul 18 Fri 2008 18:24
viva pinata 寶貝家族甚麼鳥的
從考試壓力解放的小白 永遠是最好的聊天對象
昨晚因為一時氣血攻心 打給徐董靠腰 熊熊發現這考生居然給我在跟朋友喝酒聊天
枉費我這段日子一點都不敢吵這些考生 有苦自己吞 有難自己當
一點麻煩都不敢給他們找 省得最後害人家沒考上 一個大帽子丟給我戴 我可承受不起 :P
- Jul 17 Thu 2008 06:48
- Jul 16 Wed 2008 18:39
多事 (7/17已更新)
- Jul 15 Tue 2008 19:58
no title~
剛剛樓上的長官下來說BYE 明天他就要去總公司上班
從此就沒有人請我吃中飯了 嗚嗚 (一整個貪小便宜的歐巴桑心態)
下午肚子餓了 想說拿點東西來喀 剛在嘴巴裡塞進一片正方形蘇打餅乾
(ACE而已啦不是義美我嘴巴沒有UFO那麼大 :P)
- Jul 11 Fri 2008 01:32
長大 - grow up(EN)
- Jul 10 Thu 2008 18:32
- Jul 09 Wed 2008 23:58
fxxking leave me alone (EN+CN)
- Jul 08 Tue 2008 02:40
so you guys know i am really bored....(內有中文)
yesterday from an acquaintance's MSN ID i saw this:
What is the only word that changes meaning after capitalizing its first letter?
Then i asked her if its China, china but then she said no and the answer is Polish, polish.
When i asked her why china is not the answer