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トイレ:自宅で男性小用、3分の1は「座って」 大幅増加

三成日男坐著噓噓 比去年增加一成


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Sep 22nd 2009  From Economist.com

Baggage fees and complaints at America's airlines


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Sep 8th 2009  From Economist.com


How much more a graduate earns over a lifetime


UNIVERSITY offers more than the chance to indulge in a few years of debauchery. A new report from the OECD, a rich country think-tank, attempts to measure how much more graduates can expect to earn compared with those who seek jobs without having a degree. In America the lifetime gross earnings of male graduates are, on average, nearly $370,000 higher than those of non-graduates, comfortably repaying the pricey investment in a university education (female graduates earn an extra $229,000). In South Korea and Spain female graduates pull in a lot more than their male counterparts. In Turkey, although the additional wages are more modest, the difference between men and women is far less pronounced.

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The number of people known to have died in Taiwan in the devastation caused by Typhoon Morakot reached about 500. The president, Ma Ying-jeou, apologised for the perceived failures of the government’s rescue effort. See article


Aug 20th 2009  From The Economist print edition

After its dismal handling of the disaster, the government, too, is covered in mud


Now, he (Ma Ying-Jioe) told a news conference, our enemy is not necessarily the people across the Taiwan Strait but nature. Taiwan would cancel orders for American military helicopters and buy disaster-relief helicopters instead.

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  • Aug 14 Fri 2009 13:14
  • 水扁

本文引用自RainDog - 馬英九竟然還責怪災民 = =

那粒淹掉大台北捷運  媒體說是那些選阿扁的報應
才會被水扁  那些災民說不得都是投給阿扁的選民

(  大安區還不是淹掉了)

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Jul 31st 2009  From Economist.com

Lab by lab in and around San Francisco / SF附近的labs



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Jul 15th 2009  From Economist.com

Which cities charge most for parking? / 哪個城市停車最貴?


PARKING rates are holding firm despite the economic downturn, according to Colliers International, a property company. European cities have some of the highest daily parking rates, with Amsterdam and London coming out on top. Tokyo is the most expensive place to leave your car outside Europe. Honolulu is second behind New York among America's cities. Drivers in London fork out the most for a monthly unreserved space. The cheapest parking in the survey is in India, where a spot in Chennai costs 96 cents a day.

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Jul 8th 2009  From Economist.com

Australia loses one battle of the ashes /


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Jul 6th 2009  From The Economist print edition

The world's rich are suffering too 全世界最有錢的人也在受苦


THE wealth of the world’s richest people fell by almost a fifth last year to $33 trillion, according to the World Wealth Report from Merrill Lynch and Capgemini. A rich person is defined as having at least $1m of assets besides his main home, its contents and collectable items. The number of rich people shrank by 15% to 8.6m, or 0.1% of the world's population. Their wealth declined by more than 20% in North America, Europe and Asia, but by a bit less in Africa and the Middle East. Latin America’s rich were the least affected: they lost 6% of their wealth, and the number there fell by less than 1%. In North America, which had a large proportion of people just above the $1m threshold, the ranks slimmed by 19%.

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Jun 22nd 2009  From Economist.com

Unemployment during the downturn 不景氣中的失業率

Where unemployment has hit hardest 哪國失業最嚴重

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Jun 16th 2009  From Economist.com

Drink-driving limits around the world

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Going viral

May 20th 2009  From Economist.com

Where swine flu has hit hardest


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Green machine

May 19th 2009  From Economist.com

Barack Obama introduces tough new emissions rules for cars

The new regulations will require cars to average 35.5 miles per gallon (mpg) and light trucks 30mpg across a manufacturer’s range of vehicles, to be phased in by 2016. This looks like a tall order for carmakers. They already feared a law enacted in 2007 that had the same tight standards but a deadline of 2020. And the White House reckons average fuel efficiency is currently a measly 25mpg. Current corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, introduced in 1985, require a fleet average of 27.5mpg from new cars.




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May 11th 2009  From Economist.com

Where people spend most time on simple pleasures



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<通篇都是敝人對HIV+性交+男同的刻板印象+偏見  不爽勿入>


HIV in young people

May 7th 2009  From Economist.com

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May 6th 2009  From Economist.com


Which companies have the best reputations around the world?



FERRERO, an Italian chocolate-maker, has come out top in an annual survey of the world's most reputable companies. Based on perceptions of the companies in their home markets, the Reputation Institute, a research firm, has asked the public to rate the world's 600 largest firms according to trust, admiration and respect, good feeling and overall esteem. Despite the economic turmoil, respect for business is still generally quite high. But some sectors have suffered. Banks and other financial institutions, which commanded reasonable respect in years gone by, have slipped alarmingly, though they still do better than tobacco companies.

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Taking in some culture / 文化薰陶


May 4th 2009  From Economist.com

Where are the world's most-popular museums?


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Apr 27th 2009  From Economist.com

Who imports most weapons? / 誰進口最多武器?


THE global arms trade has grown by more than 20% in volume over the past five years, according to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute, a think-tank. Imports to the Middle East have increased by 38%, with the United Arab Emirates now the world's third-largest recipient of large conventional weapons.

Israel and Egypt bought more arms than Iran, which is ranked 27th. China and India remain the world's biggest recipients of weapons, with Russia supplying the vast bulk to both countries.

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Apr 23rd 2009  From Economist.com

Where top rates of income tax are highest


ON WEDNESDAY April 22nd, Britain's finance minister announced that from April 2010 a new 50% rate of income tax will be levied on high earners. This will be among the highest top rate of income tax in the world's richest countries, with only Sweden taking more. But taxation is rarely simple. At $218,055, the income level at which Britain's new rate kicks in is considerably higher than in Sweden or Belgium. Switzerland and America may seem softer on their high earners, but local income taxes could bump up the top rate in those countries to over 40%.

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Lawyer, doctor, engineer

Apr 17th 2009  From Economist.com

Politicians' previous professions vary greatly by country


WHEN Barack Obama met Hu Jintao, his Chinese counterpart, it was an encounter not just between two presidents, but also between two professions. A lawyer, trained to argue from first principles and haggle over words, was speaking to an engineer, who knew how to build physical structures and keep them intact.


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